Today was an awesome, as stated above. Nothing really mind blowing happened but things seemed to go well and seemed to flow smoothly today. Nothing disappointing or stressful happened. It's one of those really feel-good-nothing-went-wrong days.
I woke up at about 12:30 noon. Yes, I'm a bum, I know. I checked my phone to see the that Pulp texted about the M&G photos with The Maine. They said that they'd post it online today and I was flailing everywhere. Then, I hurriedly went online to see the confirmation of This Century and We the Kings going here. sjkdjlsakjda
I mean, I'm so happy that they're going to come to the Philippines! We the Kings is going back on May 28 and This Century is joining We Are The In Crowd/Set Your Goals on their concert here on June 2. I'm very excited that they're coming and I really want to go and all. The only problem is that I don't have money. So, it's kind of bittersweet eh? They are coming here, but there is a large possibility that I won't be able to watch them both since I don't have money. Sooo, I'm asking all you kindhearted people to donate money for my concert funds. In return, you will have my eternal gratitude and unending friendship!
Then after fangirling and mourning about TC and WTK, I visited the Pulp live world website and it wasn't completed yet. I raped the refresh button until something finally showed up. Oh god, yes. I looked for my picture and lo and behold. Oh my goodness, my picture with The Maine. I AM SO HAPPY! I want to cry and I'm just really thankful that I got that awesome opportunity to meet them. It wasn't so creative compared to the others but still, I MET THEM! Look, I'm so small and pudgy next to them. Hihihi.

Wrapping my arm around Kennedy when I should be hugging John. Oh sigh
After flailing everywhere and skipping heart beats because of the M&G photos, I started to notice that bands followed me on twitter. Said bands were
RadioDriveBy and
Love & Satellites. They probably followed me because I said I was updating my music library and I was fangirling over a lot of bands today. So anyway, I checked them out and it turns out they are pretty good and they have a nice sound! I kid you not. It's pretty amazing since both bands are just starting out their music is already nice and polished and all. :) So, go check them out! Below are some videos of the said bands. :>
Maliciously Bittersweet by RadioDriveBy
Girl I Used to Know by Love & Satellites
After those two bands followed me, I mentioned and promoted them on twitter since they have awesome music. Love & Satellites retweetend, favorited, replied and dmed me over at twitter. Whoaaah. I get that their not famous and all and they can do that to all their followers right now, but it feels nice to be appreciated :') Hahaha.
Anyway, after all the commotion in the internet world, I listened to the radio with my brother and some of his friends because some of our friends who recently got signed into a music production company were guesting at a national radio station. Awesome shit, right? Anyway, their duo is composed of Hero and Mike and they are called Where's the Sheep? Visit their facebook page right there and listen to their awesome sauce praise and worship music! The whole Merville Youth Community were hyper a while ago because of this guesting. So proud! Even if I have only known them for a short period of time pa lang. :))
So besides home-bound stuff, I also got to spend time with my best friends, Jamil and Melissa. Well, that's what summer is about for us three-spending a LOT of time together. Hahaha. Last Saturday, we hung out at Melissa's place and watched the awesome movie called Battle Royale. We had pizza and chips and life was good. Thank you Melissa :') The pig in me enjoyed every minute of it.
Anyway, today, we went swimming at Melissa's crib because she's rich and all. Hahaha. Yeah, we only like swam for about 30 minutes to an hour. And then we took pictures that I won't share because they are too embarrassing. And then we pigged out again with pizza, spaghetti, a lot of biscuits and cookies. After that, we decided to watch The Rise of the Planet of the Apes. But before we even got to watch Adventure Time got in the way and since we all love that show, we finished it! Hahaha, we are still such kids! And then Mel cooked fish and fried rice for us for dinner. Which was so yummy! :> And then we finally got to watch Rise of the Planet of the Apes.
Me and Jamil were so emotional the whole time. The movie wasn't halfway through and we were already teary-eyed and all. We are such girls in that way. Don't get us wrong though. Our pigging out session and the amount of farting that was done was nowhere near lady like. Hahaha. But yeah, we cry too much too. Why is Tom Felton's character always a bad guy? He was such a douche in the movie! He's a cutie pie pa naman :||
Anyway, me and Jamil walked home at about 10:00 in the evening. Haaay. It's a good thing that Merville is a pretty safe place to live in and all. The only thing you'd be afraid of are ghosts. So, yeah. Jamil and I had heart-to-heart talks before completely saying good-bye. I'm glad me and my best friends can still share intimate stuff with each other. I mean we only see each other during sembreaks and summer vacations but it doesn't change our friendship and I'm pretty proud of this friendship :)
When I got home, I went online (because yes, I am an internet addict) and found out that a lot of other bands followed me, plus This Century UK too. I don't even know why because I live in the Philippines and that's waaay far off UK. Although, I have been very vocal about wanting to go to England. Hmmm, maybe it's a sign? :)) Anyway, I was minding my own business in twitter, having conversations, stalking-you know, normal internet stuff. And when I checked my followers, THIS CENTURY FOLLOWED ME. slkdfjas;ldja;slda
I mean, THIS CENTURY FOLLOWED ME! I don't even know why, oh god. I'm so confused and happy and excited and ugh. But really, I am so confused as to why they followed me. I mean, yes, I am a fan of This Century but I haven't really fangirled over them that much, so I don't really know. I am choosing not to question it and just thank god for this wonderful blessing. Can you imagine? The awesomeness that is This Century is following me? A shitload of people (fans) love them here in the Philippines and they have 14,000 followers and they only follow 2,000 and I am part of that frickin 2K. My love for This Century has strengthened. I feel so special. Hihihi. Thank you TC, I will love and support you forever!
After TC followed me, a lot of bands followed me. Like whoaaahh. A lot were from Arizona, where a lot of quality bands come from. I mentioned that in twitter, and maybe they saw it or something, I really don't know. Maybe it's also a sign that I should move to Arizona because they have quality bands and the most gorgeous people. loljk. :)) But yeah, at this rate, I could be a band promoter in the country or whatever it is I'm doing right now. I seriously hope there's like a job for that. I would be awesome for that shit. :))