I know it's bad to practice favoritism, nevertheless, I still have my set of favorites this semester. And this post is about the professors I have come to love and admire in 2nd semester AY 2011-2012.
FIRST OFF: There's Sir Ryan Redillas, more popularly known as Atong Redillas. Now the name might seem familiar and it's because he used to be a child actor-a pretty famous one at that. He starred along famous action stars such as Fernando Poe Jr., Lito Lapid, etc. Yes, he was pretty famous and I didn't know until this semester. Me and my friends just took the subject because a lot of people recommended him, saying he was so fun and amazing and all the other flowery words you could think of! :)) So yeah, we took his Hum II subject even if it was a 7AM class and I absolutely HATE 7AM classes. Buuut, it was all worth it. :> Waking up early is a really something soo small in return for having Sir Redillas as a professor. ♥ You'll love his class and you'll die because of non-stop laughter when listening to him. PLUS, he's super kind with all the bonus points for exams and all. AAND: he's a really creative professor-from his lessons to the graded recitation to the exam itself!
Waking up early twice a week for a hella early class isn't so bad when you have him as a professor. He has a lot of stories to tell, he teaches with passion and he cares about his students. He knows his students by heart and even memorized all our names! Thank you for one semester of really lovely and fun mornings. I really really love and admire Sir Redillas!

Group picture with Sir Redillas. Mary, Ancie, Bia, Sir, Ericka and Me. :>

Sir Redillas trolling on Ancie! :))

Sir, and meeeee! Solo pictuure-face is blurry :(
AND THEN: There's Sir Jerome Ong, my PI100 (Life and Works of Rizal) prof. Why did it take so long for fate to decide that I needed to be his student? I (or we?) was/were a little nervous when I found out that he was the prof because people have talked and people have said that he was a toxic professor. Anyway, I personally think (but a lot of people will agree with me, no doubt) that he is one of the BEST professors in the University. One and a half hours doesn't seem to take that long when he teaches. I wouldn't mind sitting through a three hour class if he's the professor.
He certainly knows what he teaches and he's good at what he does. He makes History very interesting to learn and you definitely LEARN from him! You don't just learn facts and names and dates-you get insights and interesting little trivias about Philippine History. He's SUPER Fun and SUPER AWESOME. When he teaches, it feels like he's just telling a friend a story or something. Despite the truth of the talks (that he was indeed toxic)-reports, a shitload of papers, more papers and two major exams that will practically blow your mind away;he's not one of those profs who are lazy to teach and guesses your grade. He's fair in giving his grades and whatever you get, you have totally earned it. He gives credit where it is due. :>
I actually just got my grade in PI100 and I was shocked and I almost died of happiness. It feels good when you get something nice for something you've really worked hard for and something you've put a lot of effort into. Thank you Sir Ong for a semester of successfully imparting your knowledge to us and may you continue to do so. Thank you for a semester full of awesomeness and fun. I have never perceived History as something enjoyable, until now. Sooo thank yoouu :> ♥

Group picture with Sir Ong! :>

Solo picture with Sir Ong. Hihihi. It looks like I don't have shorts but I dooo! :))
Again, I know it's bad to have favorites but come on. How can you not love these professors? They are absolutely favoritism worthy. This semester has been so fun and worthwhile and a big part of it is because of these professors. So thank you-not only for sharing with us you knowledge and teaching us with passion but for making a whole semester fun and awesome. I will surely miss these profs! :D Hihihi. I love them and I miss them already! :>