Spent the day at home because it's my only rest day, remember? :))) So, I just requested for a lot of food. You wouldn't believe how much food was there. I wanted to eat EVERYTHING but my stomach was saying no. Pizza and fast food and home-cooked food. Gaaaaah. So much food=Happy Bianca. Anyway, besides eating, I replied to people who greeted me a Happy Birthday.
Thank you again guysss! I love people who greet me on my birthday. I'm the kind of person who just loves his/her birthday :)) So although a greeting is simple, I'm sure it definitely made my day :)
Hum II play- A Midsummer's Night Dream. All the efforts paid off for the play was beyond successful! Our grade for the final exam (the play)? A 1.00 baby! I am soo proud of our class. You go HUM II MHG! You go! :D Overall, I'm just really happy that it's all over and done with! No more staying late at classmates' dorm to finish crappy backdrops and shit-at least for a while, you know? I'm just really happy we did a greaaaat job!
My friends gave me gifts! And they're nice gifts! Thank you Mary and Mel! I love you both! :> They game me beautiful colored pens, a pretty notebook, a gift certificate and a wallet. Gaaaah~
I spent the rest of the day with Ishie and Carol. Benj was busy so he didn't go :( Friendship Over na kami, loljk :))) I treated them at Dairy Queen and McDo. I missed my closest friends from Block 8. Too bad, the four of us weren't complete :(
After treating my friends in Rob, I went to Katpag's place because Adge, Ancie and Denzel were there doing a project of some sort. Pluuus, Mel was there so I decided to come. I didn't stay long though. The project was almost immediately done when I got there so Mel, Adge, Denzel went to KFC to eat dinner and we went home. :>

Tuesday was a day well spent with my Chem friends. (ahem, ahem) After our Chemistry class, we all had lunch together. Yaaaaay ♥ Here, they managed to peer pressure me into treating them after the Chem Lab exam (which was on Monday, October 17)
Lee gave us a name: Chem "Study" Group. Notice the quotation marks? That's because we don't really study. We gossip and talk about a LOT of things but we almost never study! :))) Anyway, since we are somehow a "study" group, some of us, Lee, Selena, Bia and myself, went to the library; others, Kevin, Jerwin, Gladys and Mark, had classes.
Our breaks were only up to 11:30 but we decided to skip class. Last week of regular classes=full on katamaran. Anyway, we skipped our respective 11:30 to 1:00 classes to "study" in the library. There were sooo much Lola Patola (UPM term) moments. I love my friends.
Anyway, typically we didn't get to study at all so we promised to study when Jerwin and/or Kevin joins us in the library. Jerwin came but no studying happened and instead, we even got noisier. :)) Thankfully though, Kevin came immediately after Jerwin, so we got a little studying done. We suck at studying. :|
Here comes my favorite part. We started to gossip instead of studying again. This time, our noise was too loud that the librarian went up to us and told us to get out of the library. WTF. She didn't leave until she was sure that we were gone. It was HUMILIATING. It's the first and hopefully the last time in my life I got kicked out of the library. Embarrassing, but hey, I really had fun!
Anywaaaay, later that day, I had to wait for Mel and Adge because they had a departmental exam in Math. I spent time with some of my blockmates because Jo treated us to Brooklyns! Yaaaay ♥
After Brooklyns, Adge, Mel and myself ate at Karate Kid. We finished at about 9:00 and when we got to V. Cruz to ride the shuttle. there was a looong line. Plus, when it was our turn already, they ran out of shuttles. How lucky, yes? We had to commute home. :))

Report in Soc Sci. Nothing really happened. It's Soc Sci. Nothing always happens in Soc Sci :))
I had an exam that day and I didn't study the night before. I watched a shitload of One Tree Hill instead. I studied at lunch and since I didn't have a Psych class, I got to study some more. I also entered the library again, after two days of completely avoiding it! :))
The test was okay. It wasn't as hard as I expected but it wasn't THAT easy either. At least Soc Sci is over. Gaaaah.
Exam in Nat Sci. You know what? It's a good thing that I'm taking Chem 14. The test was relatively easy-only because I'm taking Chem 14 though. I think I wouldn't have found it easy if not for that fact.
And that concludes my uber tiresome Birthday Week. Happy Legalization to me! :>
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