Friday was the most tiring, obviously. The day started at maybe about 5:00 in the morning because I had classes at 7:00AM and the day NEVER ended. Sooo, as stated above, I had classes at 7:00 and my classes ended at about 1:00. I went home with friends since we were to prepare for Bia's debut. I didn't even get to sleep in the three hours that we stayed in the house before preparing. Anywaaay, we left the house at about 7, I think and we arrived at the venue at about 8:30. It was a looong ride considering that from Merville we only had to go to The Fort, damn traffic. :|
So Bia welcomed us when we arrived and she was soo beautifuuuul. I swear it, she was soo gorgeous, she was like a princess! :> Anywaaay, there was a program at the start, and then we all ate-the food was awesome! Hihihihi, I kind of ate a lot because I was honestly so hungry :)) Sorry for being a pig at a formal-ish party. Anywaaay, after eating, it was time for the 18 wishes which I was part of, hihihi. I have stage fright, remember? It's a good thing I didn't screw up giving Bia a speech though :>
After the 18 wishes, it was time to legitimately party! \:D/ We took some photos at the photo booth thing and we drank some shots and we danced and partied. It was seriously sooo awesome and fun. It was nice that the party was a complete and total over the roof success because the debutant worried about it. She was being all ~paranoid~ and stuff. :))
Capture booth photos by: Veluzar Fotografia
Photos by: Melissa Aman
Photos by: Lara Tan

Anywaaay, we got home safe and sound and in the middle of the night. I had to climb up our very tall gate in heels and in a dress because they didn't leave the house open. Yes, paint a picture in your head, why don't you? Anywhooo, a couple of my friends slept over because they had absolutely no way of getting back to their places. I don't even think "slept over" is the right word for it since we didn't really get to sleep at all! We just talked about a lot of stuff-life and all. LOLJK. :)) But really, we just talked a lot. Hahaha.
I don't even know how I parted Friday and Saturday because I really can't tell which day was which, now that I think about it. It's all just ONE LOOONG day for me, really. Anywaaay, at this point, I already had 24 hours of totally no sleep. Mwahahaha. We had to wake up at about 5:00 to prepare because we had to leave at 6:00 because some of my friends had classes that day. PLUS, I had an opera to attend at UP Diliman. What the actual fuck, right?
Anywaay, we successfully finished preparing by 6:00-which is a goddamn miracle if you ask me because SOME of us are really really slow in preparing. Hahaha. You know who you are ;) Anywaaay, we got to UP Manila a little after 7:00 but it's okaay. At least it wasn't THAT bad of tardiness. Hehe.
I left UP Manila right away, since I had to be at UP Diliman before 9:00. Me and my friend Mary, were to meet up long before the opera started. In case you're wondering, we watched the Noli me Tangere the Opera in UP Diliman because we were required by our professor in PI100. So yeah, we were forced into watching it.
I got to UPD at about 8:30-9:00, my memory is a blur. I was in bangag mode by that time already. Hahaha. I met up with Mary and we were first in line to get in the theater. We got good seats-2nd row and center, boo-yeah! It's a wonder that I didn't fall asleep during the opera because I have to admit that there were some dull moments (Ibarra and Maria Clara moments, ahem)
Overall, the opera was amaaazing! That was money well spent! I am actually glad that we were forced into watching that because if not, I wouldn't have experienced it's awesomeness. The cast was a genius and so was the orchestra. The people who composed the songs are totally amazing! Gaaaah. The boy who played Basilio moved me to actual flowing tears and the little boy who played Crispin was oh so adorable, I just want to hug him all day looong! The cast had superb voices-naturally. They gave me goosebumps-good goosebumps, that is.
After that, I got home, slept and 18 hours later, here I am. :> It was definitely one of the LONGEST weekends ever. But one of the more awesome ones at that!
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