Soooo, yesterday was the UP Manila lantern parade. Woo-hoooo [cue in party music here]. This is big news right here because I didn't join last year's parade as a freshie. Everyone in my then college, CAS (College of Arts and Sciences) didn't really make an effort to encourage people to join. Plus, I thought that it would be kind of corny to join the parade since it's a short walk to PGH and back, so yeah.
Me and my friends suddenly decided to join the lantern parade. I mean, we decided like on the spot, we didn't plan to go and all although we ordered a shirt-thankfully! My college now, CAMP (College of Allied Medical Professions) made it a point to make a career out of the lantern parade. I mean, everyone was just really into it-every single person (mostly juniors though because it's 25% of their grade in one subject. Hihihi.)
Anywaaay, we joined the parade and it was fun! One of the best experiences in my school life to be honest. Hooray to fickle mindedness, impulsiveness and spontaneity. We cheered, shouted, ran, walked, sang, danced and sweat. It was not only one of the best but it was also one of the most tiring! And you know what? It was worth it. Guess who won 2nd place for the best lantern and the title for Merriest Crowd? YOU GOT IT! We did, we did! :> :)))
I love my college. CAMP is simply LOVE. ♥

After the parade, we decided to go to Mel's place to hang out. We ate delicious dinner and played card games and I Never. Boy, some serious stuff were revealed ;) Ha. Ha. Ohh, stalking people took up most of our time :)) I failed to go home and I got to sleep at Mel's place. Actually, all of us did-Ancie, Jessica, Bia and myself. The only bad thing out of that was that I didn't get to attend the first day of Simbang Gabi :| FML.
Anyway, today, I got to fetch my sister from school right after waking up from Mel's place and eating brunch. Yes, I didn't get to bathe at all. Oh my god, like why am I really telling you about my total lack of hygiene that day? :))) For more information, I asked my sister to smell me if I smelled bad, she said no. SUCCESS :))) That was my first time leaving home and commuting without even taking a bath. Ewwwww. :| :))) I am seriously never doing that again, ever.
It was an eventful start of the Christmas vacation. Now it's time to be lazy and be fat. HAHAHA
PS: I am waiting for Mel to upload our pictuures from the "sleepover" :)))
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