So this is a supposedly more organized version of this, but I doubt that it'll be even organized. I somehow lack the capability of organizational writing or whatever you want to call it. Anyway, since I will try to make this look organized, it may sound boring and formal. That's why I really really really want you to read the initial blog post I made to feel my excitement and enthusiasm and all. You're all probably bored right now. Ha.ha. Oh, and are you annoyed by my excessive use of the italic font function? Mwahahaha.
This is going to be a long-ass blog post, so please get ready :))
Let's start! So, me and my sister got Pulp Royalty passes for the concert. It was her birthday gift and for me, well, I spent my own money. It was a choice between Smash and The Maine. Obviously, I chose the latter. Let me tell you early on, that it was soo WORTH IT. Imagine, a PR pass means you have a 1) Platinum Ticket for the concert, 2) Meet and Greet pass, 3) Free Pioneer CD and a poster, 4) Another poster but this time it's SIGNED 5) A free Pulp Magazine and 6) Soundcheck Party! Like whooahh. Upon hearing reading that, doesn't it already sound or seem worth it? Well, much more so in actuality.
Initial Pulp Stuff! :>
Me and my sister got to the Skydome at around 1:30; the schedule for the assembly time was from 2:00-3:00 and the soundcheck party would begin at 3:00. Yes, we were excited and early but get this, a lot of people were earlier than us. Fangirling is serious business you guys. We had to wait for an hour and a half before the bouncers finally made us line up properly in stacks of five people per column.
The first column were missing two people and I ran for it with my sister, gaaaah. Turns out, the first column was the first line to get inside. Scoooore! Hahahaha. We had to wait a couple of more minutes in line before they let us in. Everyone was all too excited for the soundcheck even if it was just a soundcheck, you know? Everytime the door would open, the people outside screamed like the band was already playing at the show. The bouncers poked fun at us and opened and closed the door teasingly. It got old after sometime. Tsssk, kuya Bouncers making fun of us. People got bored and started chanting The Maine's pre-show chant
"We like to party, we like, we like to party. We like to party, we like, we like to party"
Of course, I doubt the boys inside could hear us. It was still fun though. The anticipation and the anxiousness of it all made my heart race. It probably made everyone's heart race. True to life: my hands even started to get cold. I don't even know why, man. It's supposedly just a soundcheck. I really don't know how to explain it but I was really excited and nervous and I was having butterflies in my stomach and all that. My god, it was like I was meeting up for a date with a crush or something. I even had the possibly most ridiculous grin spread over my face for the whole time. The worst part is that even if I know I may have looked stupid or whatever-smiling to myself in line, I couldn't stop it. I couldn't stop smiling. The thought of seeing them again, in the flesh, so close; the thought of hearing their new songs live; the thought of hearing those songs that broke my heart or consoled me or whatever it did to me- it just brought a smile to my face, it made my heart beat fast and it made the butterflies conduct a dance party inside of me.
Anyway, when we were allowed to enter already, we ran inside and we needed to sign something with our names on it. My sister couldn't find her name so people behind us, got in ahead of us. The people who didn't even line up properly. Ahem. After we signed that stupid paper, someone handed us the Pioneer CD and the signed poster. I snapped out of my frustration with the paper and the signing and all that, when I saw The Maine onstage.
Oh my fucking gosh. They were right there, they were standing there-right in front of me. My goodness, I couldn't control my excitement and I think (I'm not sure though) I hopped, skipped and jumped towards the designated area for the fans. Hahaha. Kennedy looked at our side and we waved at him and he waved back. Kenny was such a sweetheart, really. John waved at us next saying stuff like "Hello there" or some other form of greeting like that. kjhesdadda. Just with that, really, my heart just wanted to jump off my chest.
More and more people came in and the boys just waved and greeted us all. They were all too nice, really. I forgot which song they played first but I think it was Don't Stop Now. John said they were going to play a song that wasn't on the selist for the concert. That made me sad, really. Don't Stop Now is a great song, I don't understand whyy. ;__; Actually, I do but I'm selfish and I would've wanted it to hear live again. Le sigh. Then they asked us (the audience) what we wanted to hear. Everyone was actually screaming Untangle Me in my perspective but somehow they made it a choice between Everything I Ask For and I Must Be Dreaming. Which made me even more sad because they weren't in the setlist as well when I love those two songs very dearly. PLUS, I really really wanted to hear I Must Be Dreaming live since they didn't play it last year.
Everything I Ask For won the vote. John asked us to bear with them because they haven't played the song in a really long while-so they might be a little rusty or something like that. And they played it and I really couldn't sit still on my chair. I started semi-dancing while I sat. I don't understand why we had to sit down too! It was a soundcheck party. How can you possibly party sitting down, huuuh? Anyway, they were awesome, they were just amazing. John messed up a little during the second verse, singing earlier than he was supposed to, and saying "Oh Shit" somewhere in between and laughing adorably. John is adorable-really, I'm serious here. :)) Guys, soundcheck pa lang, wala na akong boses. (It was only soundcheck and I already lost my voice!) hahahaha.
A fan got to play with them onstage! She was like holding up a sign that said: "Can I play a song with you?" and they saw it and they asked her what she wanted to play and she said anything, and they made her come up stage. She was so lucky, and I was so happy for her even if I didn't know her, really. I was so happy that she could play alongside The Maine, my god. She played the drums and I think her name was Yanna? They played Inside of You. She was awesome. I mean, you could see she was nervous and all, but she got the hang of it and she was awesome. While she was playing the drums, Pat took a video of the band playing and all, and he also ran down and took a quick pan through the audience. Oh my gosh, everyone went wild and got off their seats and all that. Hahhaa. FIlipinos and cameras.
After that, I remember them saying that Pat was going to sing an original. Everyone cheered knowing it'll be a funny joke or whatnot. Pat started playing the guitar and Garrett started playing the drums and Pat started screaming lyrics into the song I don't really know. I'm not sure if he made that up ooor, it's a real kind of screamo song. I think he just made it up though. Everyone onstage was laughing and Pat was so hyper and all. It was funny. Hahaha. Here's a video of that said song which incidentally, Pat put in in his tumblr account. It's hilarious, really.
The meet and greet session came right after Pat's show over here. Hahaha. And again, the first line was the first to line up for the meet and greet. The picture was individual! hihihi. But we had to be really quick because there were about 200 people lined up for the M&G. So, the script was pose, get a picture and go. Whew. Me and my sister were one of the first 10 to meet them. I was really so nervous and excited and I don't really even know. I was scrambling my brain for words to say, but of course, the words choose to hide when you need them most. That's why I wanted to write them a letter but of course, I didn't because I didn't have the time to do it, because I still had fucking classes. :|
When it was my turn to meet them, I went straight to John because as we all know he is the love of my life(x). I was talking about John in that particular tweet by the way. Anyway, I went straight to John and I asked for a hug because I didn't know if I was going to have a chance to hug him later. And he said "Yeah, of course, sure" And he gave me a hug and I hugged him too. And my god, he was so tall. Oh my goodness, I think my head was only up to his chest. o.O He had beautiful eyes and beautiful hair and John, you were so beautiful :') I hugged Kennedy next, and he was so tall too-he was nice and he hugged me back. OMGGzz. And then it was time for us to take a picture. I was between John and Kennedy. I probably looked wasted/sabog in the picture because we waited for how many hours inside and outside (it was about 5:00 already when the M&G started). Anyway, when the photo was about to be taken, I realized my hand was on Kennedy's waist. That was unconscious, I swear to the heavens above. If it was conscious, I would've put my arm around John, you know? :))) But yeah. I feel so weird really, when I realized it. Did Kennedy think I was a perv and I was "making chancing" on him? :))) I hope not, because I wasn't at all!
I almost went straight away when the picture was done but I realized I needed to relay an important message to Pat. So I faced Pat and he said "Hey, how are you" and I said I was excited for the show and then I told him "Heeeey, I have a friend, she couldn't come today, her name is Ram and she wanted to tell you she loves you." My voice was all shaky and fast, I was surprised Pat even got that. Hahaha. He said "Really? That's great, tell her I love her too!" Pat was such a sweetheart, my gosh. I asked for a hug and we hugged. And then I turned to Garrett and asked for a hug and he game me one. But Garrett didn't say anything, sadly. :( I'm really sad that I didn't get to hug Jared because he was so adorable-all teddybear-ishy kind. :)) And he might've felt left out when I didn't hug him :( NEXT time Jared, I promise.
After the Meet and Greet we had to wait outside again. Boooo. The bad part about waiting outside was that a lot of people cut in line and it was frustrating because we were first in line and we waited how many hours before the actual assembly time just to be cut in front of by late people. Ugh. But of course, what can we really do? Some people are rude and don't respect the concert ethics. My goodness. Anyway, we had to wait for about two more hours because the gates opened sometime after 7. And the worst part is that it rained. Whoooaaahh.
When the gates opened, all hell just broke loose and people started running and all that. A lot of people were already on the barricades on the right side of the stage. My sister pointed to the less crowded part of the stage and thankfully, it was a nicer spot! I actually got in between two people at first because it was the center most spot and then I realized they were together, so me and my sister moved to a spot beside them which was a little bit to the left. JUST IN BETWEEN JOHN AND KENNEDY'S SPOT.
I was happy with our spot, really. We were on the barricades and we were between John and Kennedy. I mean, that was an awesome spot. Some people behind us even congratulated us and said "Congratulations, ang ganda ng pwesto niyo". I really wanted to reply: "Why thank you, me and my sister are expert barricaders" but I just settled with Thank you and an introduction. And then, we played the waiting game, all over again. This time squished between the barricades and the rowdy Platinum crowd. My feet killed me. It was so painful waiting for an hour like that.
Finally, Itchyworms came onstage. Itchyworms-paVIP :(( They came out at 8:30 when they were scheduled to play at 8:00. Thirty minutes may not seem that long when we've already waited for about seven hours but it seemed like an eternity because my feet + the crowd pushing and all + it was already 7 hours of standing, you guys. My feet were to give up :(( But when Itchyworms came out, I was so relieved. Oh thank God, this is one less hour of The Maine. Itchyworms were adorable. I felt bad that the sound system was kind of fucked during their performance but they were still pretty good sports and carried on and all. I am surprised that I know some of their songs! :)) I only know Jugs from Showtime. Hihihi.

Jugs and guitarist.
When Itchyworms ended their performance, the people went wild again because it meant that The Maine was coming up next. Oh my Lord. They started pushing again and we were squished against the barricade. Truthfully, this was all expected; the pushing, the squishing, but people really went overboard in this show. Most were rude, really. PLUS, my boobs hurt because of too much pushing. It would've been okay if I were flat and all, but I'm not-so it really hurt. It came to a point that I shouted "Tangina, ang sakit na ng boobs ko. Stop pushing JFC" I'm sorry for the obscenity of the language right there but you would say the same thing, really. My breasts still hurt even. In that moment, the thought running through my head was "Fuck, this shit, this is instant breast cancer" That was how bad it was, guysss.
Anyway, people got excited (and yes, that includes me) and started chanting the pre-show chant. So everyone in the dome was like "We like to party..." and truthfully, it was so beautiful. As in just hearing the the totality of everyone's voices in the dome, waiting for The Maine-excitement and anticipation in everyone's voices. It was beautiful. And if I were a performer and I heard that chant by the crowd, I'd be pumped up. I'd be so up high with all that energy. I wonder if ever they heard it, or if they got excited when they heard it just as we were so much excited.
The lights turned off and everyone knew-everyone went wild. Shortly after, the boys came out of the backstage one by one. And Hallelujah, everyone started pushing even more. By the time the music started, everyone was so close together that there wasn't room to even breathe or even move a little. Huhuhu. But I didn't really care-THE MAINE WAS FUCKING THERE. And I was sooo close. Like whoooaaahh. I think I started jumping and screaming like a madman. They were all so gorgeous. :> The first song was Identify.
Here is the setlist of the show :)
John was not drinking water onstage. He brought along some king of beer with him. Tsssk, John, I knew it really. It's good though that he didn't seem so wasted/drunk onstage. He was probably buzzed though because he was so hyper and flirty and all. Garrett was also buzzed-most probably. Well, not really because Garrett is always soo hyper. Hahaha Anyway, Garrett was so hyper and all. jumping everywhere and running and rocking out. He and John were the only ones who paced throughout the whole stage so everyone got to be near them-somehow :))
Kennedy was nearest to us and he was so nice. He smiled a lot and he tried his best to talk to the audience. As in he talked to the audience-conversationally and casually. He had the sweetest smile and he waved at everyone. Kennedy was just so nice, I swear. Whenever people asked him for a pick, he would give them his pick and not even halfway through, he was out of picks! He only had one left. Kennedy, you're so kind. :')
I suck because I don't have enough interaction with Jared and Patrick. I don't even have awesome pictures of them. :( It's actually because Pat is so far away because he's the drummer and all :)) And Jared was at the other end of the stage and he rarely (or even never) moved around the stage. I still love them to death though, that's for sure.
Here are some of my favorite pictures I took from the show. Of course, don't expect much because I'm not rich and I can't afford an SLR so these are all from a point and shoot camera. The quality sucks but for a point and shoot, I took some pretty okay shots okay? loool, ~I'm a phothographer, y'allzzz~ :)))

The closest I got to a band photo-but two of them are missing :(
Blurred because people were rowdy and so was I
Blurred because people were rowdy and so was I

My only two photos of Jared and none of them are quality :(
I was sad of this.
I was sad of this.

Also no proper picture of Pat. Although it isn't blurred, the quality is hideous because point and shoot and zoomed :||

A lot of pictures of Kennedy because he was nearest us. And he wasn't so mov-y and hyper. :))

Garrett's pictures when he played on our side of the stage :> Beeeaaaard. :O

Garrett and John before mine and John's moment which I am not able to narrate yet! :))

John is just so gorgeous and even my camera loves him. He had the most okay pictures :|
Biased camera is biased. :))
Biased camera is biased. :))
There were flying condoms everywhere. Some people blew up condoms and made them like balloons and spread them all over the venue. The boys kept noticing it and laughing at it. There was a time that the condom balloon approached Kennedy and he headbutted it so it would go away :)) And when John noticed the condoms, someone threw an unopened piece of condom to him and he laughed his adorable laugh and said something like "Oh hey, thanks. Stay safe, huh?" jokingly and kept the condom. Hahaha.
The boys were really just so nice. People threw a lot of stuff onstage and they took time to pick all of them up and wear it or read it or notice it and whatever. People gave Garrett a Darth Vader mask and he wore it. I suck for not having a picture of that but I think he totally loved it, guyss :)) He danced around in it for a while and took it off. People threw in bras, as usual. I don't think a band concert would be complete without the bras. Garrett and John wore the bras and it was so funny because John didn't know to wear it so Garrett taught him how to and all. Was that a joke though? I'm totally unsure :)) People threw in glasses that John wore. John also wore a rose on his air. He was beautiful :')
Now, I would like to narrate the moments which made me giddy. First of all, with Kennedy, I was holding this sign and he smiled at it countless of times really. But not much interaction with Kennedy after that because people behind me were hogging all the Kenny love. They were asking for his pick, his towel, his necklace-everything. Iuwi niyo na buong pagkatao ni Kennedy, sa inyo na kahit mahal ko siya :(( Some people were already rude asking for this and that but Kenny was so polite all throughout. He was saying sorry if he couldn't give them the stuff they wanted and all. My gosh.
Anyway, onto my moments with John which were more evident, really. Me and John had two moments. Yes, I call these OUR moments because at those moment, I felt like it was just me and him in the whole venue. Further explained later. Anyway, our first moment would me in My Heroine. It was in the lines "Your hips, my hands, you swing and you dance"; he was looking at me-he was staring into my soul. My goodness, I didn't know what to do, but I sang along. And it was't in that whole line, I think somewhere in between. I just know that the part "you swing" is included because he was doing a swishy thing with his hands and I am sure he was looking at me during that. His eyes are eternal. And really, that was just an eye fuck moment right there. My goodness, my heart wanted to jump off my chest. I felt it thumping and beating faster and faster in those possible 4 seconds? :))
This is the most okay video I found of the performance. Our moment was at about 0.09-0.13. You can see the swishy gestures and a little before that, that was our moment. Ohhh Jooohn :"> It wasn't only me though because John was so flirty the whole night to everyone :))
So our second moment was during Some Days. As I said it was right after the picture above, with Garrett near us and John and the glasses some fan threw onstage. He pointed to someone on the far left and people behind me were getting rowdy because John was so near and they wanted to touch him. He didn't initially see me, but I flashed this sign when he looked down to scan people and thankfully, I mean I really thank God and the heavens above that he noticed it because wieusokaldjshdj. John looked at me and he made some flirty looking expressions at me and I just call this thing the eye fuck because that's how it felt. I think my ovaries exploded during this moment. Aaand, after those flirtatious looks, he WINKED at me. John Oh winked at me. John O' Callaghan winked at me.
It's hard to explain how the look was, but I've got videos to illustrate that. So the time is indicated below the video, and it's after he went to the left side of the stage and he pointed to someone and sing the line "Some Days"
1:08-1:13. This was taken by a girl beside the girl beside us. This was taken by a girl, one person away from us-to put it simpler. In this video, you can see his actual wink. dlkfhlkdsafhjsa. Stare into his right eye during all times to witness the said wink.
I just died right there. My heart turned into butter and melted and my knees suddenly felt wobbly. My god. I'm pretty sure this is the start of our romance; the start of our forever. When my kids ask me, on how I met their father, I will start in this moment loljk. Hahaha. You guys, he's Pluto and I'm, like, earth sand. o.O
Anyway, it all felt surreal. At that moment, I really felt like it was just John and myself. It sounds cliche doesn't it? But that's how it felt. I drowned everything out-the rowdy crowd, the loud music, the screaming fangirls. Everything was all a blur except for that look me and John shared. It was only five seconds of absolute bliss but it felt longer when I was at that moment. It felt like eternity. And in that moment, I swear we were infinite. dufhdsfhkasjhdkasda :))) Melodramatic much, but yeah. I seriously felt so beautiful that night even if I know I'm really not all that pretty :))
Let's move on the concert proper which was was what we all came for: the music and the performance. I think they performed better and they improved big time from their last show here in the Philippines last year. They interacted with the crowd more and it was really just performance level. It wasn't just singing and jamming onstage, they were truly PERFORMERS this time. It was so much fun and awesome this time around.
Of course, besides the rock&roll moments, there were also absolutely beautiful and gorgeous moments that I'd like to share that practically brought tears to my eyes. No, I didn't really cry but I was really close to it. Numero uno beautiful moment was of course, Into Your Arms. Just as it was beautiful last year in LIV3, it was even more so this time around because it was a closed venue and everyone-every one of The Maine's fans were enclosed in this dome to readily sing their hearts out. "Let me hear you beautiful Filipino voices"-John O. And he was right. It was absolutely beautiful and amazing :')
Listening to it now, I still get goosebumps and i still get teary-eyed. It was beautiful, especially if you're standing within that crowd, listening to it all and singing your heart out as well. You can see them smile in this video and you just know that they're happy with the reception of the audience. I was too! I was proud to be in this crowd. I was proud to be part of something this beautiful :')
The next song that made everyone's heart melt is Take Me Dancing. It was a surprise because they just released this song and it's not even part of the Pioneer album. PLUS: it was the first time they (he) performed it live. It was beautiful because you can feel the nakedness and the vulnerability of it all, of what was wanted to be expressed in the song. Most of the people didn't know it though, most knew the chorus. This was beautiful not because of the audience per se but because of how it was performed and how honest it was.
You can hear the audience in the chorus here :)
Other songs that moved me to tears were When I'm At Home and Misery because, well, they were really sad songs. And When I'm At Home is one of my favorites from Pioneer. If they sang Jenny or I'm Sorry, I'm sure I would've broken down there. But yeah. These songs broke my heart because that's what they do, it touches you. I felt it. Everything. I felt everything I felt listening to the album for the first time. It was so painful and relieving at the same time. Hahaha.
Anyway, John made said two speeches in the concert. His sentimental speeches just touched me. I wanted to give him my heart and just let him take it away forever. I just melted like butter with his speech. I was flattered and overwhelmed and I felt so loved although he was pertaining to the totality of The Maine fans in the Philippines. He said that they purposely chose Manila for the kickoff show for their Pioneer World Tour. And he said that our country was full of nice people and nice everything. He said that he loved it here and that they WILL come back and they'll try to not make us wait another year. I really don't remember everything but as soon as a video comes up or whatever, I will post it, because really, it was touching and heart-wrenching. I couldn't stop saying "aaaawww" the whole time.
The show ended with Don't Give Up On Us. Everyone really thought it wasn't the end yet because it didn't feel enough. Everyone was so bitin with the show even if they played 20 songs! We just couldn't get enough of them, really. The show was overall awesome. My only complaint would be 1) The crowd was ridiculously and unbelievably rude and 2) The setlist wasn't satisfying for me. I really wanted mooore. :> More from Pioneer, more from B&W and more from CSWS. I was especially disappointed that they didn't play crowd favorites like Girls Do What They Want, I Must Be Dreaming, Everything I Ask For, etc. But I do understand why, and I totally respect that. Why? It's the PIONEER World tour guys. It's to promote their album and all :))
I love them to pieces. They make me proud to be a The Maine fan (oh my gosh, I seriously refuse to be called a Maine-iac). They've grown so much and their music has matured with them. I love them. And the next time we meet, I hope I can express that love for them. ♥ My love for you guys are infinite. Thank you for everything. :)
And I think this is a long enough blogpost! :P))
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