Friday, September 9

Happy Birthday Mary and Other News

Today was evidently Mary's birthday (as stated above). Mel, Adge and myself bought her a P1000 gift card at Powerbooks since she loves to read and Royce chocolate since she also likes chocolates (well, duh?). HAHAHA. Anyway, we bought her cupcakes that spelled out Happy Birthday and we had a candle and all that.

She didn't know all this. Hihihi. We surprised her after class. ♥ Adge stalled in the classroom while I ran for dear life outside to light the candle and prepare the things with Mel. James wasn't able to surprise her with us but Adge really did a good job stalling (talk shit, hahaha). Thankfully, she liked it and she was happy about the surprise. Yaaaaay ♥ A semi successful attempt at a surprise. Happy 18th Birthday Mary! :D Unfortunately, no pictures since no one thought of bringing a camera :)))

Do I even have other news other than that? I really don't know since I'm making this up as I go. I back read my previous blog entries from other blogs and those were some long assed shit. hahaha. Where did I ever find the time or effort to write random and non-sense bullshit. I fascinate myself a little too much sometimes-in short, self-absorption.

After class, Mel, Adge and myself ate dinner at Ravioli. But before that, there was an intense amount of walking and walking and walking. My feet almost killed me. But back to Ravioli, the pasta was amaaazing. I seriously loved it. Well, I actually love a lot of food so I don't think that's even something new. We went to secret recipe afterwards for dessert. Really? Define bankruptcy. I cannot believe I'm saying this but the three of us should seriously cut back on our food trips. :))) This is too gluttonous.

Oh my God, I haven't watched One Day, up to now. What a loser. It's showing right now at Greenbelt and I have failed to watch it, still. Gaaaah~ I hope it shows until Monday, lool. :)) I have read and reread the book out of hopelessness and I have been honestly waiting for a pirated copy or somewhere to download (yes, shame on me, but i am seriously so desperate right now).

And because I don't have anything else to offer, I give you ze trailer.

Because I have nothing more than the trailer to watch over and over again ;___; I feel like I'm going to cry in this movie though. I mean even though I've already read it and I practically know what's going to happen, I feel like the movie is still going to make me cry. Anne Hathaway is always marvelous and Jim Sturgess looks amazing here as well. ♥ Gaaaaah. Please just let me watch One Day already, dear lord.

Aaaaand, because of that One Day frustration, I settled with watching Prom and The Art of Getting By. Both okaaaay, but I preferred the latter though. Although Prom was nice, it was seriously corny and well, cliche, per say? Plus, the dialogue was just so, blaaaah~ It sounds like something my fourteen-year-old self has written. Corny and unrealistic and cheezy and oh my god, just stop it. :))) The Art of Getting By was nice though. It was pretty original and well, more real. :)))

This has been on repeat the whole time I was typing this. HAHAHA. Eargasm on 30 Seconds to Mars.

PS: Notice how there is a number of hearts out there. loool. Too much is too much :))))

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